Thursday 26 February 2009

Back online, and keeping strong

Hi all,

Firstly, I would just like to take this opportunity to say thank you to the many people who have continued to show us support over the past few months.

Getting Radio Basingstoke up-and-running has been no easy task, but I am glad to say that we are keeping strong and continually improving on our already existing set-up.

Recently, we have started using a new streaming system, which will increase the sound quality of Radio Basingstoke. If you add that to our continually expanding team, which now welcomes a marketing manager, and a wide variety of shows (playing 24-7, I might add), then the future for Radio Basingstoke looks very bright indeed- and we will keep working for as long as it takes for RB to be the best it can be.

But Radio Basingstoke cannot have achieved any of the success that it has without its loyal listeners, so we would like to say thank you for the support, and please keep spreading the word -

All the best

- RB


MarkF said...

Any ideas why your aren't listed on my Internet radio ?

Radio Basingstoke said...

Hi Mark,

sorry it has taken a while to get back to you, and I am sorry to hear of your problem.

I am not entirely sure what the specific problem is, but I know that many listeners do use internet radio and have not encountered any problems involving Radio Basingstoke.

I hope you have found a way to add us to your internet radio, and have not had any further problems tuning in.

All the best

- RB